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Hello Professor Stalvey, dedicated friends, and/or Post-Apocalyptic Survivors! These little guys right here are my designs, made using Adobe Indesign. Simply click on one of the images below in order to see it full size!

Home         Home         CD Cover

These specific designs were made as part of a midterm project in order to utulize and exemplify the skills of InDesign for 3 different scenarios (from right to left) a business flyer, an ad for an event, or a CD cover. Each page has a larger version of the project and a justification, explaining the features of the design and why I chose to do it that way. As you can see, I like grunge-style backgrounds.

So take a look around, admire my handiwork and while you're at it, admire the beautiful web page you're viewing it on. The hand-crafted banner, the lovely navigation bar, and of eye-pleasing color scheme. And don't even get me started on the peice of art that is the seamless resizability of the banner. Go ahead, grab that bottom corner and BE AMAZED*.

DISCLAIMER: banner resizeability may not actually be amazing.